Thank you very much to organisers, sponsors, conveners and presenters! I really enjoyed the conference, and I must say, in future a hybrid model could be used, where the conference continues to be shared online. This opens up the floor for many other interested stakeholders to attend, which would be otherwise limited by the time and resources required to attend the physical meetings. As a woman, scientist, water researcher, and mother, I have not been able to attend Waternet for the past few years due to major logistic challenges, even though I've always longed to. But now I could finally attend, and I believe like me, many others could have challenges because of time, finances, childcare, etc. If we want to hear more diverse voices on the table, specially from youth and early career scientists, we should indeed consider the format for future events. Keep up with the great work Waternet team!
I be so happy to attend waternet symposium as an Innovator for Community Road Water Harvesting,Management and Conservation for the first time,those who want to know more about me:Kaganga John from Uganda;Email:,you can also visit:
We are very happy to attend this year. Prof. Mochelet Montina, CEO of
So sad that we could not meet in Victoria Falls... 1
WaterNet symposium has gone digital and adapted... 1
When you go to program schedule, the times show... 1
I be so happy to attend waternet symposium as a... 1